
BIM’s Future In 2024

Pen and paper were once the primary drafting tools used in the building business. Over time, BIM took its place (Building Information Modelling). Currently, BIM is used in all building projects, regardless of size, to render architectural concepts in a digital, data-rich manner.

What, though, does the construction sector’s future hold? Will BIM’s reliance grow, and if it does, will it change to meet the needs and problems of the building and design industries? Let’s investigate.

What is BIM?

BIM stands for Building Information Modeling and is a process that starts with the creation of an intelligent 3D model that enables document management, coordination, and simulation throughout the entire lifecycle of a construction project. The services that BIM companies provide are diverse and can include modeling, coordination, fabrication, implementation – amongst others – and their main purpose is to help individuals, businesses and government agencies to plan, design, operate and maintain projects more efficiently.

What are the benefits of BIM?

The fact that BIM is experiencing rapid growth alone demonstrates its value to the construction industry. In 2019, the size of the BIM modeling market he set at $5.25 billion and this figure he predicts will reach $15.892 billion by 2027, growing at his CAGR of 15% in seven years. It has been.

Before we understand what drives this phenomenal growth, let’s look at some more statistics.

Awareness of BIM is also increasing year by year. According to the 2020 BIM Report, BIM adoption has increased significantly, with 73% of respondents saying they know and use the software, compared to just 13% in 2011. Additionally, 48% of architects would not work with a manufacturer that is not BIM proficient.

Key findings from the Dodge Data and Analytics study state the following benefits of using BIM:

  • 5% reduction in final construction cost
  • 5% faster construction speed
  • 25% increase in productivity
  • 25% less labor required.

Factors pushing faster adoption of BIM

The construction industry has relied on BIM technology to streamline, improve, and simplify the design and execution of built assets. In the future, BIM technology could become the standard for all construction and building projects. In addition to notable benefits such as

  • Less rework, effectively saving design time and cost
  • Easy to incorporate design changes
  • Smooth flow of information to all involved
  • Enables better planning, material and resource requirements, and coordination.
  • Improve project outcomes

Despite the benefits, many other factors are also accelerating his adoption of BIM. Let’s look at some of them.

“Remote work” made easy with BIM software

With remote work becoming the ‘new normal’ in many industries, it’s no surprise that the construction sector is also on board with the new wave. BIM software is used to remotely manage sales, contracts, projects, and customer communications, allowing large numbers of collaborators to store and edit information.

Approach to urbanization

Covid-19 caused a slight stagnation in infrastructure development, but it has since picked up momentum. Rising urbanization initiatives are forcing industries to look for solutions that support networking, computerized manufacturing, and connectivity.

Need better visualization in BIM

As the industry moves into a new era of construction, better visualization and communication tools become increasingly important. BIM with AR/VR integration helps stakeholders and designers fully understand the potential of a structure.

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